The Bodyologist’s Origin Story—A Fitness Trainer’s Passion for Exercise & Stretch Therapy

When people ask why I started the Bodyologist, I tell them I wanted to create a place that allowed me to combine the three things I’ve been most dedicated to—being a fitness trainer, stretch therapy, and helping people achieve lifelong health. So essentially, the Bodyologist’s origin story is one that is based less on a business idea than it was a matrix of passions delivered through exceptionally skilled and individualized training.  Those passions and that hyper individualized attention, are what ultimately differentiates the Bodyologist from your average fitness studio.

For some, becoming a fitness trainer and getting certified in stretch therapy is their end goal, for me, and any other trainer at the Bodyologist, it’s only the beginning. It’s the baseline to learning the language of fitness and recovery, but there is so much more out there to understand and learn about. I have always been interested in how the body moves. I am fascinated by why some things are effective in one body, but not in another’s. For me, it’s less about fads and more about substance and proof. If an exercise becomes popular I don’t offer it to clients simply to be on-trend, I first evaluate it based on whether or not it brings results—and why. Far too often I’ve witnessed people at the gym working out furiously without it ever providing them with the changes they were seeking. So what were they doing wrong? It’s that pursuit of the answer that I am always drawn to. But that requires an insatiable curiosity and passion that not every stretch therapist or fitness trainer has. But at the Bodyologist, it’s a requirement.

Passion as your motivation also ensures a steadfast commitment to your client. When we meet with someone, our intention is not to look at their fitness or stretch goals in a vacuum. We look at their whole life. Yes, we want to know about their health goals, but we also want to know about them—their history, how they spend their day (do they sit at a desk all day or are they active in their job?), what exercises do they love to do, what do they hate, have they ever experienced stretch therapy, and more. These questions serve as the building blocks to a more trusting and deeper relationship, so that we are not simply throwing out exercises for a person to do, we are becoming a team that’s working toward the same individualized end goal. 

Helping people reach goals they once thought impossible is the most gratifying work I could ever do. In my decades of experience, I have found that there are no shortcuts to helping a client succeed. The time taken to get to know a person might be more than an average gym might want a fitness trainer to provide, but there’s no skimping at the Bodyologist. And I believe that’s a huge part of our formula for success, because we must first understand who our clients are if we truly want to help them get to who they want to be. 
Learn more about us and what we do at the Bodyologist. Share your fitness, stretch, and health goals, and we’ll share our passion for helping you reach them.
